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Payment Options

What security measures are in place on the website?

We are committed to protect and maintain our customers’ privacy while making using the website as simple and secure as possible. All electronic payment transactions are handled by Stripe using Secure Socket Layers (SSL) which ensure that all data is encrypted and therefore extremely difficult to view if intercepted by anyone other than Stripe. When you are using a secure web page the web address will start with HTTPS rather than HTTP and there will be a small padlock in the corner of your browser. We do not access or store your card details at any point of the transaction. If we suspect any suspicious use of your card our customer sales team will contact you by telephone or email prior to the payment being processed.

Which credit cards do you accept?

We accept most common payment methods such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Maestro!

Are my credit card details secure with Gardabani Wines?

Yes, we don’t store your credit card details ourselves, these are handled by our Gateway and Merchant Account Provider. We use Stripe and PayPal, two of the most trusted and reliable providers of Credit Card and Debit card merchant services.